Welcome to the new website for Arundel Cathedral – the Cathedral Church for the Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton!
Built astride a hill the Cathedral sits majestically, overlooking the ancient town of Arundel and stands out as an inspiring landmark in West Sussex. Henry, 15th Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal, was responsible for the commissioning of the present building in December 1868. The architect was Joseph Hansom, known principally for invention of the Hansom Cab, who had designed a variety of Catholic churches, convents and other buildings.
Construction began in late 1869 in French Gothic style and was opened on 1 July 1873. Originally the church was dedicated to the sixteenth century Italian priest, St. Philip Neri (1515-1595). St. Philip’s was seen to be a parish church for the Catholic community of Arundel and the surrounding villages in the Diocese of Southwark. With Duke Henry’s devotion to St. Philip Neri, an altar was built with stained glass windows above showing scenes from his life as well as a statue.
With the new Diocese of Arundel and Brighton created in 1965 the church became a Cathedral, with the dedication changing to ‘Our Lady and St. Philip Neri.’ Subsequently in 1971, the remains of the martyred 13th Earl of Arundel, St. Philip Howard (1557-1595), were brought from the Fitzalan Chapel in the grounds of Arundel Castle and enshrined in the Cathedral.
The Cathedral’s dedication finally changed in 1973 to ‘Our Lady and St. Philip Howard’. This followed the canonisation of Philip Howard together with 39 English and Welsh martyrs of the Reformation on 25 October 1970.
So if you are in West Sussex, put Arundel Cathedral on your ‘must see’ list!
Once a year there is Corpus Christi – the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ that takes place 60 days after Easter. A world famous Carpet of Flowers is laid for visitors to see for a few days prior to the Mass and a procession of the Blessed Sacrament to Arundel Castle.
The Cathedral also supports the annual Arundel Festival by being a venue for the highly popular Arts Trail around the historic town.
All year round there are concerts and recitals being performed in the Cathedral.
We hope you’ll enjoy browsing through the website. Discover more about the clergy, the parish community, the Cathedral Centre, Gift Shop and all the important times of Masses and Confession alongside our latest weekly newsletter and parish magazine. There are also some inspiring videos taken showing Arundel Cathedral at night time and the beauty of the Cathedral’s interior!
Following the Government announcement last weekend it is now mandatory to wear face coverings in church unless you are in the exempt categories.
A reminder that current regulation from the Bishops conference state that communion should be given in the hand only.
Please let us know which Sunday Mass you intend to attend by Friday lunchtime, unless you have already completed a booking form.
To enable the social distancing rules to be followed, groups (except those in one household) must not gather inside the building.
Entry to the Cathedral will be through the North Door (facing London Road under the tower) and exit via the West Door. Please help our stewards by observing this system.
Please sanitise your hands on entry with the gel provided, observe the distancing rules and follow the one-way system.
The more volunteers we have, the more we will be able to open.
FUNERALS: Please note that due to the limit on numbers in the Cathedral and the obvious priority to be given to family members, attendance at any funeral in the Cathedral is by invitation only.
Anyone wishing to attend a funeral should contact the Cathedral Office.
All Masses, including Requiem Masses, are being live streamed on Church Services TV – please follow the link below:
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The Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 252878